Rossendale Household Support Fund

The Rossendale Household Support Fund is open for applications. Please note that this fund will close at the end of September, or before that date if the fund is fully committed before then.


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The Rossendale Household Support Fund is funded by the Department of Works and Pensions.

The Rossendale Household Support Fund application process is being managed on our behalf by Citizen’s Advice East Lancashire.

If you want help through the Household Support Fund, please apply at  or call Citizen’s Advice East Lancashire on0808 278 7975 . Due to the high demand for the fund, if the form is not available, please return to the form in a few days.

Citizen’s Advice can also provide you with help and support managing debts and ensuring you are claiming all of the benefits you are entitled to.

You may need to leave your contact details so the team can ring you back as we expect a large number of calls.

This fund is only available to those on a low income that can demonstrate they are struggling financially. You will be required to provide a recent bank statement as part of the application process.

More advice on help available to you to help you through with cost of living issues at:

How is Rossendale Borough Council spending Household Support Fund?

2000 people have been contacted directly by RBC as they are part of a targeted group that has included people who claim council tax support and receive PIP, are carers, care leavers or couples with no children

We have supported Homewise to help vulnerable Rossendale residents keep their homes warm

We have supported 6 foodbanks

We are funding the Food and Fuel line where you can get help with food, fuel and apply for financial support

We are funding financial health checks and debt and benefit advice through Citizen’s Advice

The Household Support Fund is funded by the Department of Works and Pensions.
