We are committed to engaging in effective community consultation, listening to the views and opinions of our residents and making sure we use these to help shape our policies, plans and decisions.


Rossendale Borough Council Consultations 

We are seeking public feedback on the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for dog control. This order is designed to promote responsible dog ownership and ensure that public spaces remain safe and enjoyable for all residents. A copy of the draft order can be viewed from consultation-dog-control-order.

We value your view and encourage residents, dog owners, and other stakeholders to take part in this consultation. Your feedback will help shape the final decision on the order and ensure it reflects the needs of the community.

The consultation will remain open until 26th March 2025. Please take a few minutes to review the proposals and share your opinions by answering the questions below.

The consultation questionnaire is available through this link Public Consultation on the Proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders (Dog Control)


Regional and National Consultations

Currently no regional or national consultations impacting Rossendale. 


Rossendale Panel

Please see below for details on how to join Rossendale’s Panel.

We consult directly with the public on a variety of topics and in a range of different ways. One way of having your say regularly on a whole range of different issues is by joining Rossendale’s Panel. The Panel is an active email database of people within the community we can contact to consult with, via surveys, on key issues throughout the year. The Panel provides members of the community with the opportunity to voice their views on issues locally.

To join the panel please complete the Registration Form