A Walmsley

Lead Member for Resources

Council Committees/Working Groups

  • Cabinet
  • Appointment and Appeals Panel
  • Standards Panel
  • Bacup Community Partnership
  • Bacup 2040 vision/Bacup HSHAZ

Joint Committee/Partnership Appointments

  • CAPITA Strategic Governance Board
  • PATROL Adjudication Joint Committee

Current term of office

2024 - 2028

Bacup and Stacksteads Councillor Surgery

6pm, 2nd Friday of each month with Cllrs B Ashworth, D Ashworth, J Driver, A MacNae J Oakes, M Smith and A Walmsley.

Zoom Meeting ID: 839 2079 9132, Passcode: 730610

Additional Information

I live in Bacup and am involved in many community groups including Bacup pride. I am regularly out and about in the Town all year around and available to speak to residents.

People often say they only see Councillors when it's an election. I hope to continue to change that.

If you want to get in contact you can also do so by emailing, telephoning or message me on social media.


Ward: Britannia & Lee Mill

Party: Labour

Address: 96 Rochdale Road
OL13 9NR

Telephone: 07867 459371