Anne hodgkiss

Shadow Lead Member for Communities, Housing and Health

Council Committees/Working Groups

  • Development Control Committee
  • Licensing Committee
  • Governance Working Group
  • Local Plan Steering Group

Additional Information

I am honoured to have been chosen, for the third time in 18 months to represent the people of Helmshore for the next four years. 

Helmshore is an area that I am proud to call my home, an area that I want to help protect, an area I want keep great and where possible, improve it.

I have a Facebook page for myself as councillor as well as a joint page with Cllr. Alan Woods - Helmshore Local Councillors, which you can follow for updates.

If you need to contact me you can do so via telephone or email me.

Current term of office

2024 - 2028

Ward: Helmshore

Party: Conservative

Address: c/o The Business Centre
Futures Park
Newchurch Road
OL13 0BB

Telephone: 07817 414063