Ukraine Crisis Information
Information for Hosts
Have you signed up to be a host/sponsor under the Government’s Homes for Ukraine Scheme and been matched with a family who have had their visas approved?
If you have not already been in contact with a member of the team at Rossendale Borough Council please get in touch by e-mailing
Rossendale Borough Council will conduct your housing inspection and make sure you are invited to local networking groups and signposted to the additional support available in our borough.
The Government has provided funding to assist Sponsors within the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. The amount to be paid is £350 per month per property (not per guest) in arrears for up to a year from the guests’ arrival, so long as the Sponsor continues to host under the terms of the Scheme.
Homes for Ukraine sponsors are eligible for a "Thank You Payment" for hosting their Ukrainian guest.
The below criteria applies to all "Thank You Payments"
- Sponsors must not be charging their guests rent
- DBS Checks, Property Checks and Welfare Visits must have been successfully completed
- Sponsors who have a close family relationship or a romantic relationship with their guest will not be eligible to apply for a "Thank You Payment"
- Sponsors must inform the council when their guest has exited the property either permanently or temporarily for a period of 1 month or more
- Only 1 payment will be made per household regardless of the number of guests living in that household
By applying for a "Thank You Payment" you are agreeing that you meet these requirements, and any overpayments can be claimed back by the council.
If you knowingly apply for a payment you are not eligible for, this would be treated as fraud. Any money paid would be claimed back and we would need to report this to MHCLG
The payment is optional and Sponsors must apply to receive payment by completing this application form.
Support for Ukraine
This page has been created to signpost to the various support groups, organisations and information supporting Ukraine. If you see something that should be on this page, please get in touch.
Lancashire County Council are coordinating the re-housing of Ukranian Refugees in our area, if you would like more information on this subject please email
National Support and Information
Sponsor Guidance
Support for family members of British nationals in Ukraine, and Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and the UK.
Information on travel advice to and from Ukraine.
For anyone wanting to contact loved ones in Ukraine, BT, EE and O2 are making calls, texts and data to and from the region free or removing roaming charges. Check with your phone provider for details.
Make a donation to support the Ukraine:
Crisis Relief
British Red Cross
Disasters Emergency Committee
United Help Ukraine
Local support
International Aid Trust have a drop-off centre for clothes in Blackburn. They are based at 80 New Chapel Street, Mill Hill, Blackburn, BB2 4DT. You can contact them on 01254 278892.