We offer a bulk collection service for large items such as furniture or fridges or any other item which cannot be placed in your bin.

Due to current events, we will not be able to provide you with a collection date and it will be completed as soon as resources allow after payment is received.

Once you have booked the collection please can you move the items you want removing to the ollection place you specify on the form.

We will only collect the items that you have listed; a new booking must be made for extra items.

Please note:

  • We do not go inside properties to collect items.
  • We do not dismantle items i.e if the item does not fit through the gate we will not take it.

If we visit and cannot collect for these reasons, we will make one further visit on the next collection day to see if we are able to collect it. No refund will be given in the event that we cannot collect it.


The minimum charge for a bulky collection, white goods and electrical items is £21 per item, additional items are charged at £11 per item.

If you wish to cancel your bulk collection, you will need to contact the Council within 24 hours of payment. There will be a £7.00 administration fee before we issue a refund.

Book your bulky collection


Bins, Rubbish and Recycling