Health and beauty

Any premises used for the following types of skin piercing must be registered with the Council's Public Protection Unit:-

  • Cosmetic skin piercing (including microblading, micro-needling, vitamin B12 injections, dermal fillers and/or anti-ageing treatments)
  • Tattooing
  • Electrolysis
  • Acupuncture
  • Semi permanent skin colouring

The registration covers both the person carrying on the practice and the premises used for that purpose. It is illegal to carry out these activivities unless the registration has been formally approved.

In order to become registered, after payment is made, a Council Environmental Health Officer will need to inspect the premises and the operator(s) to ensure that they meet minimum hygiene requirements.  For example looking at:

  • the cleansing and sterilisation of instruments
  • materials and equipment
  • the cleanliness of premises and fittings
  • the cleanliness of employees

The applicant must ensure that the procedures, equipment and facilities used are safe, hygienic, prevent the spread of disease and comply fully with the general duty of care required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Therefore, a one off fee is payable to register the premises, with an additional one off fee being payable per operator.  This will allow the operator to work in other registered premises within the borough.


  • Register the premises £210
  • Per person £210

An individual form must be completed for both the premises and each operator.

Cosmetic treatments application form

The CIEH Tattoing and body piercing toolkit 2013 is available here

For further information or enquiries please contact Environmental Health on

Environmental Health