
Paragraphs 47 and 48 of Schedule 11 of the Act set out the grounds for refusal of registrations. In summary these are:

  • In the previous five years either an operating licence held by the applicant for registration has been revoked or an application for an operating licence by the applicant has been refused;
  • The applicant is not a non-commercial society;
  • A person who will or may be connected with the promotion of the lottery has been convicted of a relevant offence; or
  • Information provided in or with the application for registration is false or misleading.

The Gambling Commission website will maintain details of those people who hold a lottery operating licence.

Should we be concerned that an applicant for registration may have been refused an application for an operating licence, the Gambling Commission will be consulted for further information.

We may only refuse an application after the society has had the opportunity to make representations. We will inform the society of the reasons why it is minded to refuse the registration and the evidence it relied upon to reach that preliminary conclusion.

We have the discretion to decide how to handle representations but it is considered good practice for those procedures to be made available to applicants. The Gambling Commission is currently considering whether it can usefully provide any further guidance.

Licensing and Enforcement