Premises Licence Holder and Transfer

Whoever applies for a premises licence becomes the Premises Licence Holder. This can either be an individual or a company and they have overall responsibility for the Licence. Any applications to change the licence must be made by the Premises Licence Holder.

Transfer of Premises Licence

It is possible to transfer the Premises Licence and this section details the process of serving an application.

Part 1- Completing the Application

The application contains guidance on completing each individual section.

Part 2- Making payment of the fee

The fee payable in respect of this application is £23. This fee can be paid in the following ways:

Payment of the fee can either be by cheque, made payable to Rossendale Borough Council or by contacting the office on 01706 217777 with a credit or debit card.

Part 3- Serving the Application

The application must be given both to us as the Licensing Authority and to the Chief Officer of Police for the police area

Application to transfer premises licence


Licensing and Enforcement