Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum

Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum (ECNF) is a community group designated as the Neighbourhood Forum to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the designated Edenfield Neighbourhood Area.


Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The Referendum took place on Thursday 20 February 2005. 

Of those voting, 95.7% want Rossendale Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Edenfield Neighbourhood Area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

Please see the Declaration of Result  on the Council’s Elections and Voting webpage for more information.

The Neighbourhood Plan is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications within the defined Edenfield Neighbourhood Area.  Please see map below.  A Report will be taken to Council to ensure the Neighbourhood Plan is formally made.


Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan, undertaken by an independent examiner, has now concluded. The recommendation made in the Examiner’s Report is to proceed to referendum with modifications.

A referendum on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 20 February 2025. Information about this referendum can be viewed in the documents below:

The specified documents referred to in the Referendum Information Statement can be viewed below:

More information about the Referendum process is available to view here: Elections ¦ Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan Referendum


Regulation 18 Publication of the Examiner's Report on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan

We have received the Examiner's Report on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan. Members resolved to take the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan to referendum in the New Year at the Council meeting on 11 December 2024.


Regulation 17 Examination of the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan

Following the formal consultation on the draft Edenfield Neighbourhood Development Plan which took place between 17 June and 30 July 2024, the plan has been submitted for independent examination.

Andrew Freeman BSc (Hons) DipTP DipEM FRTPI of Intelligent Plans and Examinations (IPE) Ltd has been appointed to undertake the independent examination of the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan. Copies of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, Policies Map, supporting documentation and representations received during the consultation on the Regulation 16 version have been provided to the Examiner for their consideration.

The draft Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documentation together with the representations received can be viewed on the Council’s website below.

The examination will consider whether the plan meets the basic conditions and other requirements set out in law, in particular whether it:

  • has regard to national policy
  • contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
  • is in general conformity with the adopted strategic policies for the local area
  • is compatible with EU obligations
  • meets human rights requirements.

The Examiner has issued a letter to Rossendale Borough Council and Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum outlining a number of Procedural Matters regarding the management of the Examination. He has also set out a number of matters where additional information is required from Rossendale Borough Council and the Forum in order to provide clarification. Please view the letter here.


Further Examination Library Items

Examination Library 1 - Procedural Letter and Questions

Please see below for the Examiner’s Letter on Procedural Matters and Questions and the responses from Rossendale Borough Council and the Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum:

EL1(a) Examiners Letter - Procedural Matters and Questions

EL1(b) RBC Response to Procedural Letter

EL1(c) ECNF Response to Procedural Letter

EL1(d) ECNF Response - National Highways Response to NP 

EL1(e) ECNF Response - Representation re. Masterplan and DC - July 2024


Regulation 16 Consultation on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan 2021 - 2036

The Neighbourhood Plan sets a framework for future development in Edenfield up to 2036 and if adopted will be a material consideration in determining planning applications in this area, alongside the adopted Rossendale Local Plan. 

Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum has previously consulted on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan 2021 – 2036.

This final consultation was led by Rossendale Borough Council, in accordance with Regulation 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.  It ran for 6-weeks and concluded at 17:00 on Tuesday 30 July 2024. The responses received to the Regulation 16 consultation are available here: Responses Received.

The Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan documents include:

  1. Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan – submission version (Jan 2024)
  2. Basic Conditions Statement (Jan 2024)
  3. Basic Conditions Statement Appendix A – SEA Screening Opinion
  4. Appendix 1 Policies Map (Jan 2024)
  5. Appendix 2 Factbook (Jan 2024)
  6. Appendix 3 Design Code Report (Jan 2024)
  7. Appendix 4 Local Green Space Report (Jan 2024)
  8. Appendix 5 Locally Important Views  Report (Jan 2024)
  9. Appendix 6 Consultation Statement (June 2024)
  10. Appendix 7 Glossary

What happened previously?

The Council approved an application from Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum to be re-designated as a Neighbourhood Forum for the Edenfield Neighbourhood Area under Section 61(F) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). This application was submitted on 5 January 2023 before the expiry date of the original designation on 22 April 2023.

The Council held a six-week consultation to obtain the views of interested parties on the re-designation of the Forum between Wednesday 18 January 2023 and Wednesday 1 March 2023. In total 20 representations were received which can be viewed here

In accordance with the above legislation, the Council re-designated Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum for the Edenfield Neighbourhood Area for a period of 5 years until 18 April 2028. The constitution of the Forum, a map of the Neighbourhood Area and contact details for the Forum can be viewed below:

Designation as a Neighbourhood Forum lasts for 5 years during which time no other Forum can be declared within the designated area. Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum, as a “Qualifying Body”, can prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for its Neighbourhood Area. Neighbourhood Plans provide the community with an opportunity to influence patterns of development within the defined area. Such plans are subject to consultations, an independent examination and a public referendum. They also have to be in general alignment with the Council’s Local Plan and if approved would form part of the statutory Development Plan for Edenfield.

In February 2018 Rossendale Borough Council received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum and associated Area of operation. A 6-week consultation was held between 23 February 2018 and 19 April 2018 during which 41 valid responses were received. There was one objection to the Forum and two to the proposed boundaries. The rest of the responses were in support. The Council designated Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum as the Forum for the Edenfield Neighbourhood Forum Area for a period of 5 years until 22 April 2023.