
A group has revived a network first set up in the 1990’s to bring people together to celebrate and promote Rossendale’s rich heritage.

Rossendale Heritage Network – a flexible network allows members to dip into it as and when they can and to a level, they are comfortable with. 

Councillor Annie McMahon Rossendale Borough Council’s Heritage Champion said: “We’re so lucky to have so much social history and heritage across our gorgeous valley – from the mills of the industrial revolution; our weavers’ cottages and working looms to the Valley of Stone celebrating our stone quarrying history and our shoe industry. 

“After visiting many of these sites and getting to know some of the incredibly dedicated and passionate individuals who take care of our history and heritage, we decided that it was sensible for us all to get together to share our experiences, resources and ideas – Heritage United!” 

“So, we reformed Rossendale Heritage Network – a flexible network where members can meet up to share news, ideas, celebrate successes, help with problems or if people prefer just receive the mailing list to keep up to date with what’s going on in Rossendale. An added attraction of a Network also means we can work together and tap into wider and higher funding sources than is available if everyone was working independently.” 

The network hopes to meet on a three-monthly basis at a different venue each month allowing network members to showcase their own projects to the wider group. 

The last meeting was held in the Whittaker Museum and Art Gallery with Gaynor Seville, Creative Directo

Published: Tuesday, 11th July 2023