
A 35-year-old man from Stockport has been found guilty of dumping a large amount of rubbish on Laneside Road, Haslingden by Burnley Magistrates Court, following a case brought by the Council

Mr Seamus Conroy of Goyt Valley Way, Stockport, appeared at Burnley Magistrates and pleaded guilty to fly tipping. He was fined £320 and ordered to pay £250 costs and £34 victim surcharge.

Mr Conroy along with another man who was given a fixed penalty notice, was witnessed by a local resident who challenged the pair, took photographs of one of the offenders, and reported the incident to Rossendale Council.

The vehicle was also caught on CCTV dumping more waste on the car park of the Rose and Crown Pub nearby.

After a protracted investigation, Enforcement Officers from Rossendale Borough Council’s Public Protection Unit, eventually tracked the pair down to Stockport.

Councillor Liz McInnes said: “Operation Trident is helping us to successfully target incidences such as this and I’d like to thank the vigilant resident for reporting the incident and providing as much information as she did.

“Tackling environmental crime is a key priority for the Council and we are committed to the fight against individuals who blight our Borough.

“Fly tipping damages the environment and is extremely time consuming and costly to investigate and clean up. We are pleased the prosecution was successful and hope it sends the message that we will pursue these individuals, wherever they live, and will not hesitate to take action against them.”

Published: Wednesday, 26th July 2023