Operation trident
Operation trident

Rossendale Council’s fight against fly tipping and environmental crime across the borough, Operation Trident, has had another successful prosecution.

The operation coordinates a three-pronged approach of education, enforcement and removal, which aims to hold those responsible to account. 

Over the last 12 months as part of Operation Trident, officers from the Public Protection Unit at Rossendale Council have been asking businesses how they dispose of waste generated by their commercial activities.  

The Environmental Protection Act 1990, states businesses must be able to show receipts, contracts or waste transfer notices when disposing of rubbish to ensure that waste does not end up being disposed of illegally. 

In September 2021 after a large amount of waste was reported outside Doors and Windows Direct on Manchester Road, Haslingden, registered as ECOBS Limited. The council served a notice asking for clarification and proof of correct disposal. The business failed to respond to the request for information and were issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), which they failed to pay. 

fly tipped rubbish consisting of old doors and windows dumped on pavement outside shop

The company was found guilty at the end of November 2022 of failing to prove how they disposed of their waste and were fined £770 with a victim surcharge of £77 and court costs of £978. 

Cllr Jackie Oakes said: “Operation Trident and prosecutions of this manner have been very successful.  

“We’re trying to educate businesses as to their legal requirements when it comes to waste disposal as we appreciate that some may not be aware, but this business failed to do the right thing even though they were given ample opportunity to do so.  

“We know it takes time to educate and change behaviours, but we are prepared to take firm decisive action when necessary.  

“Rossendale Council takes these issues very seriously and we are committed to prosecuting those who blight our communities in this manner, so we can deliver a cleaner and greener borough.” 

Published: Wednesday, 14th December 2022