Prospertiy fund
Prospertiy fund

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has this week announced that Rossendale Council has been successful in its bid to the Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has this week announced that Rossendale Council has been successful in its bid to the Shared Prosperity Fund and will be receiving £2,643,864 over the next three years.  

The Fund, which was launched in April 2022, required local authorities to submit a three-year investment plan for their areas. Officials will now work with the local authorities to agree the next steps.  

Projects earmarked to receive funding in Rossendale include:   

  • Further works to improve centre of Haslingden 
  • Developing an action plan for the centre of Waterfoot 
  • Victoria and Whitaker Parks improvements 
  • Three new 3G pitches 
  • Provision of micro-grants for civic pride groups 
  • Creation of town improvement teams 
  • Creation of a business advisor post and 
  • Support for the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce Low Carbon Programme.  

Alyson Barnes, Leader of Rossendale Council, said: “The Shared Prosperity Funding announcement is incredibly welcome news for the borough as a whole.  

“This three-year investment plan will allow us to begin to make real strides in numerous projects in Rossendale and we will start allocating the funding in the New Year so the real work can begin as soon as possible. 

“This news is indeed encouraging, and we hope it’s an indication that the decision on our Levelling Up Fund bid will follow shortly, and that we will see the same success.” 




photo credit:A Blac

Published: Wednesday, 7th December 2022