Gold award 600x800
Gold award 600x800

After months of waiting Civic Pride Rossendale have been awarded Gold at the Royal Horticultural North West Britain in Bloom event.

After months of waiting Civic Pride Rossendale have been awarded Gold at the Royal Horticultural North West Britain in Bloom event.  

The event, which was held at Bolton Football ground, was held over 3 days due to the number of applications from across the North West.  

Three of the gardens in the “It’s your Neighbourhood” category were successful on the first day – The Gyro (roundabout) and Library gardens (Sparrow Park) achieved the highest award of Outstanding and the peaceful plot wildlife garden in the Cemetery received an Advanced award  

The second day saw Rawtenstall beat off competition from 11 other entries in the Large Town category to scoop the Gold.  

Civic Pride Rossendale were also announced winners of the Heritage trophy. Roy Down one of the judges stated: “We were very impressed with the preservation and celebration of Rawtenstall`s heritage whether that was the building heritage of its magnificent buildings and spaces, but also the links to the textiles and footwear industries.  

“The great links with the railways as well. The theme of Teasels, textiles and trains was a brilliant theme. There is a tangible pride in the voices of the volunteers. The whole visit was amazing.”   

Sue Shuttleworth the Chair of Civic pride Rossendale said: “These awards are a fitting finale to all the hard work undertaken by so many within the Rawtenstall community this Summer.  

“Despite the grey drizzly day of the judging, the town looked amazing, and it has been a real delight to hear all the wonderful and appreciative comments made by both locals and visitors to our volunteers when working around the town.  

“It really has brought people together for a common goal. Thanks go to all the volunteers, their hard work is much appreciated “  

sue shuttleworth chair of civic pride with gold cup

Janet Allcock, Publicity officer also commented “This is a great recognition of a huge amount of work that has been undertaken this year, involving so many people in the local community, our gardening, and litter picking volunteers, local businesses and individuals who provide regular and one off funding , Rossendale Council who not only provided a huge number of plants but also assisted in cleaning and repairing lots of the footpath area. 

“Our local shops and businesses provided support and fantastic window displays, the local children who entered the colouring competition, painted pots, and helped planting some of our flowerbeds. The yarn bombers for their amazing displays, the list could go on and on , but we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported us and these awards are for the whole town and everyone who helped in any way “  

Adam Howorth aged 24yrs one of the dedicated volunteers, said: “Volunteering for just 1 day a week is enough, we are all proud of our work, some do more, some less, as long as you give your best you will always be a valuable member of our team. “  

rawtenstall in bloom on shop window


The awards will be displayed in Bank Street shop windows to allow everyone to see over the next few weeks.  

britain in bloom display

New volunteers and financial sponsors are always welcome. To find out more information please contact or leave a message on our answerphone 07955 110199 . 

Published: Monday, 24th October 2022