Lancashire’s Labour Council Leaders have come out strongly against the government’s proposals to lift the ban on fracking. Labour Councils have adopted strategies to ensure their organisations can achieve net zero carbon targets by 2030.  These councils are also actively working with community groups and businesses to secure broader carbon reduction levels in their districts.  Establishing fracking sites in Lancashire undermines these efforts and cuts across international agreements on carbon use.     

Rossendale Council Leader Alyson Barnes said: “We believe the government should prioritise investment in renewable energy over dangerous shale gas extraction, and we are calling on the government to focus on unlocking the jobs and growth that a low-carbon energy infrastructure can provide for the regions industry, workforce and communities.”   

Fracking for shale gas also poses a serious threat to the environment including damage to air and water quality. Fracking increases the risk of earthquakes and in Lancashire where fracking has taken place there have been unusual earth tremors.    

The Council Leaders also believe that fracking must not be imposed on local communities against their will.  

Alistair Bradley from Chorley Council said: “The plan to secure planning approval for these sites through the National Infrastructure Commission removes local decision-making and puts it in the hands of government ministers. Such a change will see fracking unfairly imposed on areas against the will of local communities and will remove local scrutiny of fracking plans. 

“The Council Leaders strongly support the principle of local consent for projects like fracking and we would like to seek assurances from the Government that no fracking operation would commence without consent from the relevant local council.” 

Chris Cornelius the founder of the UK’s first fracking company has warned – fracking in the UK will be impossible at any meaningful scale and will not help with the energy price crisis.  

Lancashire’s Labour Leaders are calling on the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to release the report by the British Geological Survey into the possible effects of fracking in the UK, including the danger of Earth tremors 

Published: Thursday, 20th October 2022