Neil Shaw
Neil Shaw

Chief Executive of Rossendale Borough Council, Neil Shaw has announced his departure after almost three years at the helm.

Neil said: “It has been a real privilege to be the council’s Chief Executive. During my time the council has progressed work on improving its town centres, seen the re-opening of the Whitaker Museum after its £2.2m redevelopment, gained the borough’s first Green Flag and seen an improvement in our parks generally, and made major strides in our innovative work on carbon reduction. 

“I am sure the council will continue to deliver on its ambitious plans to improve Rossendale’s towns and green spaces and I shall continue to be a passionate supporter of Rossendale.” 

Councillor Alyson Barnes, Leader of Rossendale Council, said: “Neil led the council through its response to the Covid pandemic and played a leading role in both the council’s £17m bid to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to improve town centres and in progressing the City Valley Rail Link project. We are grateful to Neil and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.” 

Mr Shaw will leave the council in January 2023 to take up a new role as the Chief Executive of the Greater Manchester Business School at the University of Bolton. 

The recruitment process for a new CEO will start shortly. 

Published: Monday, 10th October 2022