Vw polo
Vw polo

Rossendale Council’s fight against abandoned vehicles and fly tipping across the borough, Operation Trident, has had another successful prosecution

The operation coordinates a three-pronged approach of education, enforcement and removal, which aims to hold to account those responsible. 

Miss Aija Dabola of Wales Road, Edgeside, Rossendale, was found to be the registered owner of a vehicle abandoned on Wales Road. 

The car had no current MOT and no road tax. The purple VW Polo was mouldy inside, with rusty wheels, flaky paint on the bodywork and had obviously not moved for some time.  

rusty car door

A fixed penalty notice was issued to Miss Dabola in May 2020 which she failed to pay, resulting in the court proceedings.  

She was originally found guilty in her absence in February 2022 but the case was reopened, and a new trial was held at her request. 

Miss Dabola who was present at the hearing at Burnley Magistrates on 6 October 2022, was ordered to pay a total of £3,055. This amounted to a £500 fine for the offence, a £50 victim surcharge and costs of £1,260 for this trial and £1,245 from the previous trial. 

Cllr Jackie Oakes said: “Operation Trident and prosecutions of this manner have been very successful.  

“Whilst this demonstrates the tough stance we are willing to take, we also want to see the number of abandoned vehicles coming down, so we don’t have to prosecute. 

“However, we know this will take time and education but eventually people will see the firm approach we are taking and hopefully will think twice before abandoning their vehicles or dumping their rubbish. 

“Rossendale Council takes these issues very seriously and we are committed to prosecuting those who blight our communities in this manner, so we can deliver a cleaner and greener borough.” 

Published: Monday, 10th October 2022