Rossendale Borough Council have welcomed the news that Marl Pits is to receive £66,960 from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support fund.

During a climate where many leisure centres and swimming pools are facing huge increases in running costs the money is being welcomed but council officials have stated that it is just a drop in the ocean of what is needed for sports provision across the country.  

Local authorities had to apply for funding from Sport England and the council have stated that it is due to the quality of the bid submitted by dedicated and hardworking council officers working alongside the Leisure Trust, that they were able to secure the funding.   

Sport England's Director of Place, Lisa Dodd-Mayne said: “Many pools have faced a real and significant threat to their survival this year, as local authorities and operators battle the challenge of increased energy and maintenance costs, weakened reserves and difficulties with retaining staff. 

“Today’s announcement is an important moment in time but is by no means the end of the work facing us or the support available as we continue to work with our partners to ensure the long-term viability of these vital community resources.”   

Rossendale Borough Council’s Chief Executive Rob Huntington said:” We welcome the funding which support the ongoing operational costs of running Marl Pits, made more challenging by the cost of living crisis that everyone is facing at the moment.  We have also submitted an application to the second tranche of this funding for investment in making our leisure centres more energy efficient.”  

Council Leader Alyson Barnes said: “This is great news and we welcome any money into the council. I'd like to thank the hard work our officers have done along with the staff from the Leisure Trust to ensure we had a strong bid sumitted. 

“Council finances have been decimated since the Conservative Government came into power, and as a council we have lost millions every year since - money which should have been used for services to help improve the lives of our residents.” 

Published: Wednesday, 8th November 2023