Mayor Rossendale

Hello residents of Rossendale! October is over and we’re into November, so it's time to catch up on the latest activities of our dedicated Mayor, Cllr Andrew Walmsley. 

October was a month filled with vibrant celebrations and community engagements for the Mayor of Rossendale. From heritage train journeys to birthday festivities and cultural events, the Mayor and Mayoress actively participated in a variety of activities that showcased the rich tapestry of the Rossendale community. 

 Annual Train Heritage Day for Civics – October 5 

The month kicked off with the Annual Train Heritage Day for Civics. The Mayor and Mayoress visited the Manchester Transport Museum, where they experienced a nostalgic journey on a vintage bus to the Science Museum and then to Heaton Park Tramway. The day culminated with a picturesque ride on the East Lancashire Railway (ELR) from Bury to Rossendale, highlighting the rich heritage of transportation across Greater Manchester. 

Rossendale Rubicon 17th Birthday – October 11 

 Next on the agenda was the celebration of Rossendale Rubicon's 17th Birthday. The Mayor and Mayoress shared lunch with service users and staff, and enjoyed a captivating performance by singer Francesca. Rossendale Rubicon, a self-funded, not-for-profit organization, plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with mental health problems. 

Men’s Shed 1st Anniversary – October 11 

The Mayor joined the anniversary celebrations of Men’s Shed, a vital community initiative supporting socially isolated men and those with dementia. Men’s Shed offers a range of social activities, including card games and a wood workshop, where participants can create items for the local community. 


 Stubbylee Greenhouses Mad Pride – October 14 

 Mad Pride took centre stage on October 14 as the Mayor and Mayoress attended the Stubbylee Greenhouses celebration of the Arts and their role in having positive impact on mental health. This internationally recognised festival aimed to highlight the creative talents of individuals while raising awareness about mental health. 

38th Rossendale Scout AGM/Celebration – October 15 

The Mayor and Mayoress participated in the 38th Rossendale Scout AGM and Celebration of Achievement. Chief Scout Awards, Section members of the year awards, and a special award in honour of the former Group President were presented. The event concluded with a delightful BBQ, fostering a sense of community among the scouts. 

 Rossendale Hospice / Civic Pride Calendar Launch – October 16 

 October 16 marked the launch of the joint Rossendale Hospice and Civic Pride Rossendale 2024 Calendar. The collaborative effort aimed to showcase the beauty of Rossendale while raising funds for both the Hospice and Civic Pride Rossendale. 

Dementia Friendly Rossendale Tea Party – October 18 

A heart-warming event, the Dementia Friendly Rossendale Tea Party featured a ukulele band and a singer. It provided a comfortable space for people living with dementia and their families to meet, socialise, and make friends within the community. 

Bacup Royal Court Theatre “The Wedding Singer” – October 18 

 The Mayor and Mayoress enjoyed a spectacular performance of 'The Wedding Singer' by the X-Rays Theatre Group at Bacup Royal Court Theatre. This not-for-profit group relies on community support and fundraising to present high-quality shows. 

Stacksteads Lantern Parade – October 21 

Embracing the local culture, the Mayor and Mayoress led the annual Stacksteads Lantern Parade, connecting with families as they paraded from Toll Bar to the glade, having made their own lanterns in making workshops in earlier weeks. A magical night illuminating the route with lanterns and community spirit. 

Water Primary Pumpkin Competition – October 31 

The month concluded with the Mayor and Mayoress attending the Water Primary Pumpkin Competition, where they served as judges. This annual school event showcased the creativity of young minds, adding a festive touch to the Halloween season. 

 October was a month of varied experiences for the Mayor, highlighting the community's resilience, creativity, and commitment to fostering connections. 

 The events showcased the beauty of Rossendale and the collaborative spirit that makes it a truly special place to call home. 

If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event, please fill in the booking form:

Published: Wednesday, 15th November 2023