photograph of the old Barclays bank in Bacup

Demolition work to begin in the new year on former Barclays bank building in Bacup

Demolition work on the former Barclays Bank building in Bacup is to begin on Monday, January 8. 

The work will be the start of an exciting transformation of Bacup Town Centre – and as part of the development the Bacup Market Area will undergo significant changes. 

A new market hall with accompanying café and cycle hub earmarked for the Barclays Bank site will be a gateway into the new market.  

The demolition of the three-storey building in Market Street, which is owned by Rossendale Borough Council, is expected to take around 10 weeks. 

First part of the project, to be carried out by AW Demolition Ltd, of Manchester, will involve erecting safety hoarding and scaffolding around the site. 

While the work is being carried out bus stop will be relocated to the adjacent lamp post with no shelter.  

No traffic routes will be affected by the work. 

Work to demolish the former bank will take place between 08.00 and 18.00 Monday to Friday with deliveries only permitted between 09.30 and 14.30 Monday to Friday.  

The development of Bacup Market is being funded by the Capital Regeneration Project supported by the Levelling Up Fund.  

A spokesperson for Rossendale Borough Council said: “As part of this development, the Bacup Market Area will undergo significant changes, serving as a catalyst for increased investment in the town.” 

They added: “During demolition the entire building will be encased on three sides with scaffolding as added protection, whilst the contractor works from a front elevation to gradually take down the building.  

“Work will be carried out Monday to Friday during normal working hours and market traders should not be impacted during the period of demolition.” 

The Levelling Up Fund is a government initiative designed to invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life across the UK. The fund supports projects under three categories: town centre and high street regeneration, local transport projects, or cultural and heritage assets. 


Published: Thursday, 14th December 2023