shop fronts in Haslingden

Historic England funding will help visitors connect between Haslingden’s town centre conservation area’s public realm and market projects

Rossendale Borough Council has secured £10,000 funding towards its Haslingden Connected project which aims to develop the public realm strategy for the town centre’s conservation area.

A council spokesperson said: “Haslingden Connected will look at things like wayfinding through the town centre and better connecting one attraction to another, for example, the market to the Big Lamp events square.

“The plan is to use things like public art, signage, and other creative ways of linking one place to another in order to make all of the projects more easily connected.”

The grant from Historic England’s Regional Capacity Funding will be supported by a £7,500 from the borough council.

The Big Lamp Project – which is looking to regenerate Higher Deardengate – is about to enter its second phase with the grant-aided renovation of two more shop fronts beginning this month.

There are also talks going ahead with two other businesses where work will begin, hopefully, later in the summer.

Work on the public realm is expected to start during the summer following exploratory investigations which were carried out during the early part of the year. A one-way system is to be introduce on Higher Deardengate, too.

The £500,000 refurbishment of Haslingden Market – which will provide an exciting outside shopping experience for visitors – is hoped to be completed by early June.


photo caption: The first two shop fronts in Higher Deardengate, Haslingden, that were renovated as part of the heritage Big Lamp project. Two more are about to be started this month

Published: Wednesday, 1st May 2024