Leader of the Council, Alyson Barnes, monthly update for May 2024.

I usually start my first column back after the elections by thanking people and this time is no different. A big thank you to everyone, for your incredible support during the elections, and a heartfelt thank you to all who went out and voted. These days it is all too easy not to engage in the democratic process, but these things really do matter. Who you vote for can make a massive difference to what then happens in your community.

I would also like to place on record my thanks to all the people who make sure the elections are carried out fairly and in an orderly way; such a lot of work goes into this.

Thank you too to all those who either did not seek re-election or who were defeated at the polls, your hard work and commitment, whilst a member of the Council was valued and appreciated. I know many of you will be able to point to improvements throughout Rossendale that you helped to ‘make happen’. I would also like to welcome all our new elected members, as Leader of the Council, my door is always open to you, no matter which party you represent.

As many of you know we have been successful in securing additional money to help support our improvement and regeneration ambitions for the valley.

Generally, we must bid for this funding, which takes an enormous amount of council officer time, not to mention money. Add in the pressure of spending allocations quickly in an area like Rossendale with such challenging infrastructure leads me to the conclusion that these types of schemes should be better planned and orchestrated, not rushed out to give politicians a photo opportunity, there is far too much at stake for that.

We are grateful for the funding, but we must be realistic about the obstacles ahead. The tight timelines imposed on us to commit and spend this money are challenging.

Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to minimise this disruption, but we must acknowledge that some inconvenience is unavoidable.

Another issue that has been dominating my email box and those of other elected members is the work being carried out by BRSK – a telecoms company currently bringing high-speed broadband access to the borough. Sadly, instead of using existing telecoms infrastructure they seem to be throwing up wooden telegraph poles all over Rossendale.

I know many areas of Rossendale need quicker broadband speed, but we should be able to do this without resorting to yesterday's technology - telegraph poles. I will be writing to the

regulator to outline my concerns that these companies are using the cheapest, quickest option for them rather than what is best for our area.

If there are any issues you would like to raise with me directly, please get in touch. I will be happy to hear from you. Contact me on alysonbarnes@rossendalebc.gov.uk or ring on 2017819 / 07817 414248.

Published: Tuesday, 28th May 2024