Rossendale Borough Council applies for funding to transform the play area in Whitaker Park.

Rossendale Borough Council has made a funding application to enable a much-needed major facelift to a play area in Rawtenstall. Whitaker Park play area will undergo the transformation once the funding is secured thanks to a partnership with Community Interest Company Proffitts – Investing in Communities.

Old Whitaker Park Play Area

The project will renovate the existing toddler play area at Whitaker Park, adding modern equipment, picnic facilities and safety surfacing.

A brand-new section will be created especially for older children and youths, featuring more challenging and adventurous equipment. These improvements are designed to provide a safe, engaging and inclusive space for children of all ages to enjoy.

The ambitious initiative underscores the council's commitment to enhancing play provisions, building on the success of previous schemes to improve the play areas and parks in towns across the borough.

Whitaker Park Map 1

Lead Member for Communities Councillor Liz McInnes, who is also a Friend of Whitaker Park, emphasised the importance of this initiative: "We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our residents, including children, and providing top-notch play facilities is a key part of that mission. We’re hopeful the funding required will be secured, which is really exciting.

“This project at Whitaker Park is a testament to our ongoing efforts to create vibrant, safe, and fun spaces for children and families. We are grateful for the support and partnership of Proffitts in helping us making this vision a reality."

A comprehensive consultation process was conducted to ensure the community's needs and wishes were at the forefront of the design. Following this, a detailed concept design was developed, and an application for external funding amounting to £250,000 has been submitted. The project is on track for completion by April 2025.

Whitaker Park Map 2

Martin Proffitt Director at Proffitts, said: "We are excited to partner with Rossendale Borough Council on this transformative project. Our aim is to create a play area that not only meets the current needs of the community but also inspires future generations. The new facilities will offer a range of activities that promote physical health, creativity, and social interaction, making Whitaker Park a real asset and cornerstone of community life."

This project represents a significant investment in the community and is an example of effective partnership and collaboration encouraged by the Council. Rossendale Borough Council and Proffitts are committed to delivering a play area that will serve as a hub of activity and enjoyment for families across the borough.

Published: Tuesday, 11th June 2024