Draft Planning Validation Checklist Consultation (May 2024)

The Council is currently consulting on a revised version of its Validation Checklist document.

The purpose of the Validation Checklist document is to set out what information will be required when submitting a planning-related application. It has been produced in accordance with relevant legislation and policy.

The document includes the national requirements (the statutory information required for all applications – which are fixed and cannot be amended) and the Council’s local list of information requirements it considers necessary to validate an application. 

The consultation will run for a period of six weeks. Any comments should be sent by email to planning@rossendalebc.gov.uk no later than 28th June 2024.

All comments received will be reviewed, and where it is deemed appropriate, amendments will be made to the draft Validation Checklist document prior to its adoption. The Council cannot guarantee that all suggestions will be taken forward into the final document.

In your response please make it clear which section or paragraph that you are commenting on. Please be aware that names and responses will be public but we will redact contact details. Details of the Council’s Privacy Notice can be viewed at Privacy Notice | Rossendale Borough Council.


You can find the revised version here: Draft Planning Validation Checklist document.