Planning datasets
The planning datasets below are provided by Rossendale Borough Council under Open Government Licence. Additional formats are available on the Government’s Planning and housing data in England website where the information can also be viewed on an interactive map.
Conservations Areas
Rossendale currently has 10 Conservation Areas, designated under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and defined as "areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance."
The reasons for designation vary widely but all Conservation Areas have in common historic and architectural features which make them worthy of additional protection. We recognise that this places extra responsibilities, and in some cases extra costs, on owners when proposing material changes to their properties. For this reason, we encourage owners to contact the Conservation team at the earliest opportunity when proposing works, to check whether permission will be necessary and for advice on the detail of their proposals, for instance on the design of features or specification of materials.
Conservation area dataset (CSV file with geometry information)
Conservation area documents dataset (CSV file with links to documents associated with the Conservation Areas)
Article 4 Directions
In addition to normal Conservation Area restrictions, we may withdraw certain or all permitted development rights where such works are perceived to be a threat to the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. Such action is referred to as the making of an Article 4 Direction. There are currently 3 Conservation Areas within the Borough where Article 4 Directions have been authorised and where stringent requirements for any type of development will apply:
There are other four Article 4 Directions which apply outside of Conservation Areas:
- Higher Tunstead, Stacksteads
- Land off Collinge Fold Lane, Rawtenstall
- Top O'Th Bank, Roundhill Lane, Haslingden
- Foxhill Farm, Shawclough, Waterfoot
These additional four Article 4 Directions have been retrieved as part of the Digital Planning Improvement Project and published on the Council's website as of 14 June 2024. They might be open to challenge, although no evidence was found which suggest that these Directions have been cancelled since made. The Council is not minded to enforce any works undertaken under permitted development rights which have been removed from these four additional Article 4 Directions between the date they were made and the date of publication on the website (14 June 2024).
Article 4 direction area dataset (CSV file with geometry information)
Article 4 direction documents dataset (CSV file with links to documents associated with the Directions)
Tree Preservation Orders
Tree Preservation Orders protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodland in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the cutting down, topping, lopping, uprooting, wilful damage, wilful destruction of trees without the local planning authority consent in writing.
More then 180 Tree Preservation Orders have been made in Rossendale. The information provided is indicative only and should not be taken as definitive. Further reference should be had to the Tree Preservation Order which are also available on the Tree works section of the website. If further clarification is needed regarding the protected status of a tree or a permission, please contact
Tree Preservation Order dataset (CSV file with links to Tree Preservation Orders)
Tree dataset (CSV file with geometry information of single protected trees)
Tree preservation zone dataset (CSV file with geometry information of protected area and group of trees, or protected woodlands)
Brownfield Land Register
This is a list of previously developed sites in Rossendale that are suitable for housing. Its purpose is to provide nationally consistent, up-to-date, publicly available information on brownfield land for developers and communities in order to encourage investment in local areas. More information is available in the Brownfield Land Register webpage of the Council's wesbite.
Brownfield Land Register (CSV file with geometry information)