Pre-Application Advice & Guidance


The Development Control Service is responsible for providing planning advice, processing planning applications and appeals in relation to the use and development of land and buildings. The service has historically dealt with around 650 applications each year and some 65 pre application enquiries which are a growing part of the work of the service.   

Why make a pre application enquiry? 

We want to promote the use of early discussions with agents and developers as part of the development management approach to facilitating acceptable development. Open and constructive discussions about schemes before they are formally submitted as a planning application can help steer proposals into a form that are more likely to be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority whilst leading to the reworking or dropping of proposals that appear to be fundamentally unacceptable. Entering into pre application discussions will help save time, avoid wasted expense and avoid frustration.   
Further benefits include:  
* Avoiding incomplete applications that cannot be registered; 
* Reducing the number of unsuccessful applications; 
* Raising the quality of development; 
*  Securing satisfaction with the process; 
*  Reducing confrontation in the planning process; 
*  Gaining community acceptance.  
We will expect that guidance given by the Council’s Officers is taken into account in the preparation and working up of your proposals. Where it is evident that pre application advice has not been sought or taken into account in a subsequent planning application, the Council may not be able to negotiate on a scheme and applications are likely to be determined as submitted.   

Lancashire County Council Planning Advice Services 

Lancashire County Council provides a pre application advice service for highways and planning advice for surface water and sustainable drainage.

It is important that the design of your proposed sustainable drainage system (SuDS) is considered as early as possible, meeting the requirements of national planning policy and guidance by providing benefits for water quantity, water quality, biodiversity and amenity. Lancashire County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, expect applications for major development to be accompanied by a completed Lancashire SuDS Pro-forma.

As the Local Planning Authority, we strongly advise and recommend that you include a completed Lancashire SuDS Pro-forma with your planning application for major development. You can download a copy of the pro-forma and it guidance here:


