The General Data Protection regulation gives you the right to ask the Council for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you for the purposes of providing services to you.
The information which you are entitled to receive from the Council includes: the information, a description of the purpose for which it is used, people to whom the information is passed and where the information was obtained. You are not entitled to see information about a third party without their consent.
For your protection, and the security of the information, the Council will need to confirm that you are the person whom the information is about, and will require proof of your identity before we release the information. If you ask someone to act on your behalf as your agent, the Council will need proof of this and the persons’ identity. We may contact you to confirm that you have authorised someone to do this. If you have not provided proof of identity with the form it will need to be provided otherwise the information will not be provided. Rossendale have 30 calendar days of receipt of the completed form and identification to deal with the request.
Please see our application form guidelines before you start the form.