Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Forum

The designations of Bacup and Stacksteads as a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area have been granted under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016.


Information about the designated Neighbourhood Area

Name of the Neighbourhood Area: Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Area

Map of the Neighbourhood Area

Name of relevant body: Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Forum


Information about the designated Neighbourhood Forum

Name of the Neighbourhood Forum: Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Forum

Written constitution

Name of the Neighbourhood Area to which the designation relates: Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Area

Contact details of a member of the forum: Mr Phill Rawlins, (


Bacup and Stacksteads Neighbourhood Forum is designated for a period of 5 years from 16 April 2020. Please note that no other Neighbourhood Forums can now be designated for the same Neighbourhood Area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.

The Neighbourhood Forum has the power to produce a Neighbourhood Plan which can guide development within the Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Plan will need to meet certain criteria such as contributing to the achievement of sustainable development, having regards to national policy and guidance and being broadly in alignment with the Council’s Local Plan.

This decision follows from a 6 week consultation which started on Tuesday 14th January 2020 and ended at 5pm on Tuesday 25th February 2020.

The consultation documents can be seen here.