Meet the board

A Town Board of key representatives from across Rossendale has been formed to manage the Long Term Plan for Rossendale. It is led by the Whitaker Chair, Iain Taylor.

Chair of the Board

Iain Taylor

Iain is a management consultant and advises clients on the financing and implementation of property development projects, economic partnership programmes and environmental innovation projects.   Iain led the consultancy input to the recently approved Liverpool City Region Life Science Investment Zone assembling and securing approval to £160m of new investment in the LCR Health and Life Science sector.  Iain also led the development of the LCR Freeport Business Case and plays an active role in supporting the team.

Iain Taylor

Iain has held a number of senior roles prior to his time in consultancy.  He was the executive director of Atlantic Gateway, director of business development for the Land Trust and partnerships director for the Peel Group serving as director on SPV companies in aviation and development sectors.  Iain was part of the team that prepared the Atlantic Gateway concept and works to promote collaboration between public sector partners on key strategic initiatives. 

Iain has supported the development of several major projects, including SINA Medical Glass, Glass Futures, MediaCityUK, Liverpool2 Container Port, Port Salford, City of Salford Stadium and several major road schemes and strategic green infrastructure projects.  He also worked with Anthony Wilson on the Pennine Lancashire initiative for Elevate East Lancashire.

Iain has a Post Graduate Certificate in Cross Sector Partnerships from the University of Cambridge and an honours degree in Economics and Geography from the University of Keele.  Iain is the Chair of the Whitaker Museum and director of Rossendale Leisure Trust.  He loves riding motorcyles, sailing boats and taking time out with his wife and two children.

Additional board members

The full list of board members can be found here.