How you can take action

We cannot achieve our net zero goals without the people of Rossendale. In 2020, the Council’s carbon emissions contributed just 0.59% of total carbon emissions in the Borough. Therefore we need to work together to reduce our carbon footprint.

There are actions everyone can take to reduce their carbon footprint. These actions can also save you money on bills and improve your health and wellbeing. Each of us could take action by doing the following:

Check your carbon footprint

Check your carbon footprint to measure your impact. Use the WWF Footprint Calculator to find out the size of your carbon footprint and where you can make some simple changes to reduce your carbon emissions.

Be energy efficient

Ensure that your home is properly insulated. Turn the heating down to the lowest comfortable temperature, turning your heating down by one degree will save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. You can get free energy advice here: Rossendale Valley Energy (

Choose renewable energy if you can

If you can, switch your household or business to a green energy supplier. This can reduce emissions caused by heating, lighting and using electrical appliances in your home. Find out which companies offer renewable energy on

Reduce your waste

You can reduce your carbon emissions by reducing your waste, reusing items/products where possible and supporting the Council to recycle your waste. Composting your backyard and buying fewer single-use plastic products can also reduce your carbon footprint. Processing waste uses a lot of energy and organic waste that goes to Landfill produces methane- a harmful greenhouse gas.

Use low emission transport

Help reduce transport emissions, congestion and air pollution by using public transport, cycling or walking, car sharing and switching to electric vehicle if possible.

Choose sustainable food options

You can reduce your carbon footprint by not wasting food, eating locally and seasonal, reducing your consumption of meat and dairy products.

Buy environmentally friendly products

Choose products that are made from sustainable materials and have minimal packaging. You can also reduce your carbon footprint by buying second hand or refurbished products.

Reduce water usage

You can reduce your water usage and save water by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and using water efficient appliances.