Local Plan Submission Documents

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations

In accordance with the Regulations, Rossendale Borough Council submitted the Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2034 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for examination on 25 March 2019.

The Local Plan covers the Borough of Rossendale and provides the statutory planning framework to 2034. It contains an overall strategy for development and policies on the scale and distribution of development across the Borough. It allocated sites needed to accomodate new development and areas to be protected or enhanced. It set out policies on how planning applications will be determined.


A Programme Officer was appointed who is independent, and who works directly on behalf of the Inspector to organise administrative and procedural matters. This role was fufilled by Tony Blackburn and following the issuing of the Inspectors' Report his duties have ended.


Statement of Fact

List of Submission Documents


Submission Documents

Core Submission Documents

Previous Consultation Documents


Evidence Base



Gypsies and Travellers

Economy and Employment Evidence Base


Green Belt

Natural Environment

Flood Risk

Built Environment

Retail, Town Centre and Leisure


Open Space, Sport and Recreation



Supporting Documents


Rossendale Saved Local Plan

Rossendale Saved Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and other planning guidance

Rossendale Borough Council's Strategies




Further details of the Examination will be published on the Council's website as appropriate.