Previous Consultation on the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)

Responses received

There was a large response to our consultation on the Rossendale Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18 Consultation) which ended Monday 9 October 2017. All the comments received were assembled into a Report together with Appendices. A User Guide has been produced to help you navigate through the different documents and to help you find specific comments. A General Overview of the comments received and a list of respondents have also been produced. The Main Report can also be viewed at the One Stop Shop at Futures Park, Bacup, during opening hours.

To view the documents please follow this link


Consultation documents

Rossendale's Local Plan designates land and buildings for future uses to meet the Borough's needs and set out what developments should look like and how they should fit in with their surroundings. The Council asked for comments on the Draft Local Plan which has replaced the Core Strategy following adoption on 15 December 2021. Sites were proposed for development (such as housing or employment sites), for environmental protection and for recreation uses on the Draft Policies Map. Changes were also proposed to the existing Green Belt and the Urban Boundary. Also, four additional Conservation areas and an extension to an existing Conservation area were considered.

The consultation on the emerging Local Plan was undertaken in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement.

The Draft Local Plan (Written Statement) and its accompanying Policies Map (including the 6 area maps) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan are available to view here. The Habitat Regulation Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal are available to view here as part of the Evidence Base.

This consultation was the first public consultation stage in the production of the Local Plan (Regulation 18). The consultation ran for eleven weeks from Monday 24th July 2017 until 5pm on Monday 9th October 2017.

In drawing up the draft Local Plan the Council considered several options as follows:

  • Option 1: "Do nothing"
  • Option 2: "Go for growth"
  • Option 3: "Environmental protection focus"
  • Option 4: "Draft Plan"

Further information on these options and their implications is available here.


Next steps

Following this consultation on the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) the Council reviewed and considered all comments received. Changes were made to the draft Local Plan and the Council consulted on the Pre-Submission Publication version of the Local Plan (Regulation 19) in August to October 2018. The Council submitted the revised Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate in 2019 for examination with formal adoption taking place in 2021.

If you have any queries please email or phone 01706 217777.